


It’s no secret that fruit is a smart part of a healthy diet. When a snack attack hits, pay a visit to your fruit bowl... Whatever’s in there is likely to be better for you than the contents of your pantry! But is all fruit created equal? I’m Hungry Girl Lisa Lillien, and this week I’m investigating which fruits are best if you’re looking to lose weight...

1 medium apple: 95 calories, <0.5g fat, 2mg sodium, 25g carbs, 4.5g fiber, 19g sugars, 0.5g protein

I don’t want the other fruits to feel bad, but… apples are my favorite. They're the ultimate snack: filling, juicy, crunchy, and portable. Studies have even shown that eating three apples per day can help with weight loss -- not surprising, considering they’re chock-full of fiber, a nutrient that’s known to boost feelings of fullness and ward off hunger pangs. There are plenty of ways to get your daily dose of apple: Chow down on a whole Fuji, add pieces to your oatmeal, throw slices into a salad, bake some with your chicken, cook up a low-cal dessert..