Cialis- the latest remedy to E.D

Cialis- the latest remedy to E.D


It is to the credit of us humans that civilized society has never looked upon sexual –intercourse as a taboo, when practiced within accepted social mores. Sexual intercourse has rarely been made taboo on religious grounds or by government authorities, as procreation is inherently essential to the continuation to the species or of any particular genetic line, which is considered to be a positive factor, and indeed, enables most societies to continue in the first place. There are, however, many communities within cultures that prohibit their members to engage in any form of sex, especially members of religious orders and the priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church and lamas in Buddhist monasteries. Although sexual intercourse is the most enjoyable experience nature has provided, but in order to have a satisfying sexual intercourse one must be healthy enough for sexual-activity. One of the common ailments which inhibits the performance of sexual-intercourse is erectile dysfunction (E.D.) .E.D. is defined as the consistent inability to attain and maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. E.D. affects an estimated 152 million men and their partners worldwide. Multiple factors contribute to the prevalence of this disease among most men .Physical causes like vascular diseases, diabetes, nerve disorder could result in weak sexual performance. Life-style factors like alcohol consumption, smoking, could affect sexual life. Psychological causes are also and perhaps the most common reason for an unsatisfactory sexual intercourse, performance anxiety, stress, depression are a deterrent to sexual activity. Depending on the causes, doctors suggest several different options. It could be oral medication, sex counseling, or penile injection. Oral medication is the most preferred Thanks to the advancement of medical science for its safety and affordability. you have a choice of medication available – Viagra, Levitra and Cialis. Although Viagra, being the mother of all E.D. treatment drug is more popular and commonly known worldwide , Cialis is the latest in the line of E.D. pill. Appropriately called Super Viagra, Cialis is more effective and powerful product. It starts working up to twice as fast as Viagra and continues to work for between 24 to 36 hrs. Compared to Viagra’s 6- 8 hrs. Cialis acts in the same way as Viagra, by blocking an enzyme called phosphodiesterase -5 or PDE -5 .This helps the penis to relax and widen which allows blood to enter. As a result you gain erections faster and easier. In spite of the advantages Cialis enjoys over its rival Viagra it is imperative for men to discuss their health status with their doctors to ensure Cialis is right for them and that they are healthy enough for sexual activity. The most common side effects with Cialis were headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. Although rare, men who experience an erection for more than 4 hours should seek immediate medical attention. Men should not drink alcohol in excess with Cialis.