How to Use Coconut Oil for Dandruff

How to Use Coconut Oil for Dandruff


Easily Penetrates into the Scalp – Coconut oil contains lauric, caprylic and capric acid (medium chain fatty acids), which help it to penetrate deep into the hair shaft and scalp. It helps the coconut oil to kill the dandruff-causing fungus and check the reoccurrence of it.

Keeps the hair and Scalp Healthy – Healthy scalp fights well with the fungus that causes dandruff and at the same time stops the reoccurrence of it. Coconut oil with its various nutritional properties keeps both the scalp as well as the hair healthy. Apart from that it also gives a good aroma to the hair and scalp.

Heals the Scalp – Its skin healing properties offer a soothing effect to the irritated and itchy scalp that is caused due to dandruff and continuous scratching of the scalp.

Containing many nutritional properties coconut oil is considered as a good food both for the scalp as well for the scalp.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Dandruff
There are various ways in which you can use coconut oil to treat dandruff. You can prepare various home remedies by using coconut oil along with other ingredients to treat this scalp condition well.

1. Direct Application of Coconut Oil
This is one of the easiest and effective remedies that you can use to get rid of dandruff. It is easy and at the same time effective to treat dandruff.

Required Ingredients:

Warm Coconut Oil – 2 tbsp or as per the hair length
Warm Water – as per the requirement
A Shower Cap

Take 1 tbsp of warm coconut oil in a small bowl.
Apply the coconut oil to your scalp with the help of your fingers. Also, apply the oil to the hair starting from the root to the end.
Massage your hair and scalp with the coconut oil at least for 5 minutes.
Put a shower cap on your hair and leave for overnight.
Next morning clean your hair with your regular shampoo.
Follow this remedy regularly if you are facing this dandruff issue continuously.
Note: Prefer to use organic coconut oil for preparing the remedies for dandruff as it contains a good amount of antifungal and antimicrobial properties.

2. Coconut Oil and Oregano Oil Combination
Like coconut oil, oregano oil is antifungal as well as antibacterial in nature. So its use can kill the dandruff-causing fungus and check the further growth of it.

Required Ingredients:

Oregano Essential Oil – 1 tsp
Coconut oil – 5 tsp
A Shower Cap

Take 1 tsp of oregano oil and 5 tsp of coconut oil in a small bowl and mix well.
Apply this mixed oil to your scalp and hair, starting from the root to the end.
Massage your scalp for 5 to 10 minutes.
Clean your hair and scalp with your regular shampoo.
Follow this remedy 2 to 3 times a week to treat dandruff properly.
Note: Be cautious while using oregano oil on the scalp as it is very strong and may burn your scalp if you apply it directly. Always mix oregano oil with coconut oil and do a patch test on your skin before applying it on the scalp.

3. Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice
You can increase the effectiveness of coconut oil to treat dandruff by adding lemon juice to it. The acidic content of lemon juice balances the pH level of the scalp which very well treats as well keeps dandruff at bay. The citric acid in it fights with the fungi that cause dandruff.

Required Ingredients:

Coconut Oil – 2 tbsp
Lemon Juice – 2tbsp

Heat 2 tbsp each of coconut oil and lemon juice in a container.
Apply this lemon juice mixed oil to your scalp and hair.
Massage your scalp for 10 minutes and leave the oil on your hair for 20 minutes.
Clean your hair with a mild shampoo.
Using this remedy 3 to 4 times a week will help you to get rid of dandruff completely.
4. Camphor and Coconut Oil for Dandruff
The use of camphor can give you relief from the itching sensation and skin irritation caused due to dandruff.

Required Ingredients:

Coconut Oil – ½ cup
Camphor – 1 tsp
An airtight Container

In an airtight container take the camphor and coconut oil and store it.
For the treatment of dandruff, take this camphor-mixed coconut oil in your hand and apply it on your hair and scalp before going to bed.
Massage this mixed oil for 10 minutes.
Follow this remedy at least for 2 weeks every night to get rid of dandruff.
If your dandruff gets controlled, then you can apply this mixed oil in every alternate night.
5. Coconut Oil, Honey, Olive Oil and Yogurt Scrub
Containing various therapeutic properties, the use of honey can treat the dandruff issue as well as its related symptoms. The healing properties of honey soothe the irritated scalp, which is caused due to dandruff. It also has wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties, which can treat the inflamed scalp. And the most important thing is that honey is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal in nature, so its use kills the fungus that causes bacteria.

The application of olive oil on the scalp removes the dryness of the scalp, which causes dandruff. It also hydrates the skin well, thus reduces the dandruff issue considerably.

Like honey, yogurt is also antibacterial in nature, so its use can help you get rid of dandruff. It also controls the dandruff issue by cleaning and tightening the scalp pores.

Required Ingredients:

Coconut Oil – 2 tbsp
Olive Oil – 2 tbsp
Yogurt – 3 tbsp
Honey – 2 tbsp

Mix all the ingredients well to make a medium consistency paste.
Apply the paste to your scalp and hair with the help of your fingertips.
Massage your hair for 10 minutes to open up the scalp pores and promote blood circulation to the scalp.
Leave the paste on your hair for 40 to 45 minutes.
Rinse your hair with a mild shampoo to clean it properly (you can shampoo your hair twice if your hair does not get cleaned in the first cleaning process).
Leave your hair to dry naturally.
Take 4 to 5 drops of coconut oil in your palm and rub the palms so that the coconut oil will become warm.
Now, apply the oil on your scalp and hair.
Repeat this process to cover the entire scalp.
Use this remedy once in a week to get the desired results against dandruff.
6. Coconut Oil and Rosemary Oil
Apart from being used as an herb in cooking, rosemary can be used to treat dandruff. Rosemary, which belongs to the mint family, contains antifungal properties to kill the dandruff-causing fungus and to control the further spreading of this condition. This oil also promotes the healthy healing of the scalp skin. The rosmarinic acid in rosemary has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which treats dandruff as well as soothes the inflamed skin of the scalp.

Required Ingredients:

Rosemary Oil – 2 tbsp
Coconut Oil – 10 to 15 drops

Mix the rosemary and coconut oil.
Apply this mixed oil to the scalp.
Leave this oil on your hair and scalp for few minutes, and then clean it by using a mild shampoo.
Use this remedy in every alternate day to get rid of dandruff.
7. Lavender Essential Oil with Coconut Oil for Dandruff
Lavender essential oil contains anti-fungal properties, which makes it effective enough to treat the dandruff issue. It is also anti-inflammatory in nature, which provides a soothing effect to the inflamed scalp.

Required Ingredients:

Coconut Oil – 2 tbsp
Lavender Oil – 20 to 22 drops
A Shower Cap

Mix the lavender essential oil with the coconut oil.
Warm this mixed oil and apply it on the scalp and hair with the help of your fingers.
Massage this oil on your scalp for 10 minutes.
Cover your hair with a shower cap.
Leave it on the hair for 30 minutes.
Now, rinse your hair with a mild shampoo.
Repeat this remedy at least twice a week to root out the dandruff problem.
8. Coconut, Lavender, Rosemary, Tea Tree and Patchouli Oil with Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
We already know the dandruff-fighting properties of coconut, lavender and rosemary oil. However, we need to know how patchouli oil, tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar treat dandruff.

Patchouli oil is antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial in nature. It works well for oily hair with dandruff.

Apple cider vinegar balances the pH level of the scalp skin, thus its use checks the further growth of the fungus. Apart from that it also removes the greasiness from the hair.

Tea tree oil contains terpinen-4-ol, which is capable enough to kill the bacteria, fungi, and viruses. So its use can effectively treat your dandruff issue that is mainly caused by a fungus.

Required Ingredients:

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil – 1 cup
Rosemary Springs – 3 to 4
Rosemary Essential Oil – 6 drops
Tea Tree Oil – 6 drops
Patchouli Essential Oil – 5 drops
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar – ½ cup
Water – 1 cup

Pluck the leaves from the rosemary springs.
Take extra virgin coconut oil and rosemary leaves in a double boiler and let them infuse on a low flame for 1 to 2 hours.
Strain this infused oil and pour it into a glass jar.
Leave it for 5 minutes to become cool.
Add all other essential oils to it and stir to mix the oils properly.
Massage the oil to the roots of your hair with your fingertips.
Put a shower cap on your hair and leave for 40 50 minutes.
Rinse your hair properly with water first and then use your regular shampoo and conditioner to your hair.
Dilute the apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water and pour it on your scalp.
Give a good massage to your hair for few minutes, and then rinse with cool water.
Repeating this process when you have dandruff issues will definitely give you desired results.
Additional Tips
Follow the below-mentioned tips along with the natural remedies that are prepared by using coconut oil, to make the remedies work better to treat as well as prevent dandruff successfully.

Refrain from shampooing your hair excessively; otherwise dry scalp will worsen the dandruff issue.
After shampooing your hair, brush it nicely so that the natural occurring oil from the scalp will be distributed evenly on the entire scalp, which in turn will control dry scalp and dandruff.
Limit the use of hair styling products, which may dry your scalp skin excessively and cause dandruff.
Avoid stressful situations as stress often causes dandruff.
Follow a healthy diet so that your hair, as well as the scalp, will get all the necessary nutrients. Eat foods rich in zinc, such as spinach, pumpkin and squash seeds, nuts, beans, mushrooms, etc. Also eat Vitamins B 6-enriched food, such as fish, turkey, chicken, prunes, banana, avocado, etc., which are important for healthy hair and scalp.
If after using all these coconut oil remedies for dandruff, the situation does not improve, then consult a doctor to know the underlying causes of it to treat the condition properly.

No more thinking again while wearing a black dress! Everything is in your hands now. So grab a bottle of coconut oil as well other ingredients and say goodbye to dandruff issues forever.