Atress Bipasha Basu, who made her debut with the 2001 film 'Ajnabee', has credited filmmakers Abbas-Mustan and their brother Hussain Burmawala for her 'brilliant start' in the Hindi film industry. The 'Raaz' actress took to instagram and shared a photograph from her wedding reception held on April 30 here. In the photograph Bipasha is seen posing with her actor-husband Karan Singh Grover, Abbas-Mustan and Hussain Burmawala, who were synchronized in white.

"Hussain Bhai, the reason am here today. I love them and owe my brilliant start in this business to them entirely," Bipasha captioned the image. The 'Jism' actress also mentioned that the filmmaker trio and Karan matched the theme. Bipasha and Karan's wedding reception was attended by a string of stars including Bollywood A-listers like Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan.