Commerce Minister Nirmala Seetharaman her served as Rajya Sabha for two years after TDP nominated her as part of the alliance with BJP. As her term ended recently, Centre preferred its better to nominate to the Upper House from Karnataka following protests over denial of Special Category Status.
People began accusing Nirmala Seetharaman of not doing anything for the development of AP in the past two years. On Saturday, She responded to these allegations on her Twitter page.
Nirmala Seetharaman's contribution to AP:
1) Donated her MPLADs fund for development works in AP.
2) Declared Bhimavaram and Vizag as Centres of Export Excellence.
3) All India Customs & Excise Training in Anatapur.
4) Began National Institute of Design in Vijayawada.
5) Land identified for new IIFT.
6) Permission granted for Indian Institute of Packaging.
7) Mega Leather Cluster set up in Nellore district
8) Vizag-Chennai Industrial Corridor
9) Chennai-Bengaluru Corridor passes through AP.
10) Worked to help Tobacco farmers when prices weren't satisfactory.